

We were deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of our long-time former colleague Dr. Doris Vogtenhuber.

Doris Vogtenhuber was a highly valued member of the Computational Materials Physics Group for 20 years until her well-deserved retirement in 2021. She was deputy group spokesperson for many years and enriched the working group not only as an extremely competent and reliable employee, but also as a careful colleague. She was largely responsible for the commercialisation of the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) and her commitment contributed significantly to the success of VASP.

Doris Vogtenhuber was a special person who had an open ear for everyone. For many employees, she was the first point of contact when problems arose, be they of a professional or personal nature. Her appreciative and gentle manner contributed significantly to a good working atmosphere.

It is with deep sadness that we bid farewell to Doris Vogtenhuber. We will always remember her fondly and extend our deepest sympathy to her family.

On behalf of the working group