
Showing entries 281 - 288 out of 288


Bae C, Freeman DL, Doll JD, Kresse G, Hafner J. Energetics of hydrogen chemisorbed on Cu(110): a first principles calculations study. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2000;113(16):6926-6932. doi: 10.1063/1.1311293

Furthmüller J, Käckell P, Bechstedt F, Kresse G. Extreme softening of Vanderbilt pseudopotentials: General rules and case studies of first-row and d-electron elements. Physical Review B. 2000;61(7):4576-4587. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.61.4576

Surnev SL, Vitali L, Ramsey MG, Netzer FP, Kresse G, Hafner J. Growth and structure of ultrathin vanadium oxide layers on Pd(111). Physical Review B. 2000;61(20):13945-13954. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.61.13945

Jomard G, Petit T, Magaud L, Pasturel A, Kresse G, Hafner J. Oxygen adsorption on Zr(0001): An ab initio study. Molecular Simulation. 2000;24(1-3):111-129. doi: 10.1080/08927020008024191

Lindbaum A, Heathman S, Kresse G, Rotter M, Gratz E, Schneidewind A et al. Structural stability of LaCu2 and YCu2 studied by high-pressure x-ray diffraction and ab initio total energy calculations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2000;12(14):3219-3228. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/12/14/301

Alfe D, Kresse G, Gillan MJ. Structure and dynamics of liquid iron under Earth's core conditions. Physical Review B. 2000;61(1):132-142. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.61.132

Showing entries 281 - 288 out of 288