

We are happy to announce that Anatole von Lilienfeld was awarded the honorary title as the 2021 Loewdin Lecturer.


You can rely on him: Georg Kresse entered the race for the most cited researchers as a fixed starter and was able to maintain his place.


It is a rare treat that modellers articles are selected for cover stories. “Nature Review Materials” made "Polarons in materials" a cover story in the...


In a "Science Advances" article, Guido Falk von Rudorff and Anatole von Lilienfeld have shown how the concept of 4-dimensional chirality allows to...


The enormous amount of data and knowlede accumulated on polaron effects in materials is shown in an "Nature" article by Cesare Francchini and Michele...


In a combined theoretical and experimental work Cesare Franchini and Matthias Meier in collaboration with the experimental Group lead by Gareth...