

You can rely on him: Georg Kresse entered the race for the most cited researchers as a fixed starter and was able to maintain his place.


It is a rare treat that modellers articles are selected for cover stories. “Nature Review Materials” made "Polarons in materials" a cover story in the...


In a "Science Advances" article, Guido Falk von Rudorff and Anatole von Lilienfeld have shown how the concept of 4-dimensional chirality allows to...


The enormous amount of data and knowlede accumulated on polaron effects in materials is shown in an "Nature" article by Cesare Francchini and Michele...


In a combined theoretical and experimental work Cesare Franchini and Matthias Meier in collaboration with the experimental Group lead by Gareth...


Kerstin Hummer has won the Corona Award 2020 in the category "New Leadership". This award is the way of thanking leaders of the University who have...